Those who know me know that complaints about procedures at the KCSPCA have been something I have been working on for close to a year. Since the AG's office determined they are subject to FOIA, a number of people have been attending the board meetings, and then posting notes about the meeting. This is the most recent. If anyone would like a copy of the previous meetings, please let me know.
Edited from notes taken by Doug Beatty with further information from Carol Furr (both attending). As before, this is not a transcript and may not be in order.
Our comments in bold italics.
First, as usual the meeting was posted inside the shelter lobby written on a white board. This time, however, they also posted a typed agenda – with the incorrect date of August 12, 2012.
The meeting was held on August 13, 2012 in the conference/general purpose room at Kent County SPCA 32 Shelter Drive in Camden Delaware and called to order at 7:07 PM. Membership applications and literature concerning the annual meeting were distributed
Discussion of the quickbooks upgrade and training. It was noted that they had negotiated with the vendor and instead of $5,000 for the program, it would cost $2,000. This will include two “input stations.” Training for one person cost $398.00.
This means they will have 2 licenses – for 2 computers – for this program upgrade. The description at the last board meeting included linking quickbooks to shelterpro. It was not stated what, if anything, was being removed from the original package for a reduction of $3,000.
The “turn in” fee for KC residents is $40.00. The executive director stated that calls are still being referred to Kent County Levy Court by KCSPCA.
This fee is 2x what is charged for NCC and Sussex.
It was confirmed that a vote was taken not to undertake any cruelty investigations at Safe Haven
due to appearance of bias aforethought.
Treasurer's report – The organization is 84% through the year, with 81.5% income and 80% of expenses noted. It was also stated that Accounts Payable is current.
due to appearance of bias aforethought.
Treasurer's report – The organization is 84% through the year, with 81.5% income and 80% of expenses noted. It was also stated that Accounts Payable is current.
There was discussion about sourcing office equipment and possible HVAC equipment. The treasurer's report, which was not made available to public present, was approved unanimously.
Employee Introduction was made – Amanda Daniels, Office Lead Employee. Ms. Daniels reported that they have 10 phone lines, and, since staff was reduced, there are two interns from a college business progam working daily on the phones.
Bylaws changes: Mavis Newton will head the nominating committee for board members, assisted by Debbi Kaplan. Steve Schwartz reported that Section 8.02 would be changed (no mention as to what those changes would be). He also stated that the bylaws were being changed “because of attempts by unfriendly forces to try to take over the shelter. Kent County Levy Court thought they would be able to have a member on the board, but that would not be allowed because they had their own agenda and not because of the animals. Fringe groups have been assaulting us.”
Employee Introduction was made – Amanda Daniels, Office Lead Employee. Ms. Daniels reported that they have 10 phone lines, and, since staff was reduced, there are two interns from a college business progam working daily on the phones.
Bylaws changes: Mavis Newton will head the nominating committee for board members, assisted by Debbi Kaplan. Steve Schwartz reported that Section 8.02 would be changed (no mention as to what those changes would be). He also stated that the bylaws were being changed “because of attempts by unfriendly forces to try to take over the shelter. Kent County Levy Court thought they would be able to have a member on the board, but that would not be allowed because they had their own agenda and not because of the animals. Fringe groups have been assaulting us.”
KCLC asked to have a member on the board for oversight of the Dog Control contract monies and operations. Why does the KCSPCA leadership feel this is an attack? We expect KCLC to oversee other contracts they have…..
Board members will have a one year probation then may be elected to a three year term. No matter when a board member comes on, the year starts in October.
This clause – which was just added – is the clause that was used to dismiss Carol Furr last year. In fact, one of the board members asked if that wasn’t what was in the bylaws now….
Board members may not be shelter volunteers due to disturbances in chain of command by having member present in the shelter.
Basically board membership will not be open to the public by majority vote of the members because a nominating committee will make sure that individuals opposed to current agendas and practices, many of which are beyond questionable, can never be elected.
Board members were told that they must fill out the membership applications and pay the $25 fee before they could leave. They were also asked to fill out the questionaires for board committees and items they have at home that belong to the shelter (discussed at the last board meeitng.)
Board members may not be shelter volunteers due to disturbances in chain of command by having member present in the shelter.
Basically board membership will not be open to the public by majority vote of the members because a nominating committee will make sure that individuals opposed to current agendas and practices, many of which are beyond questionable, can never be elected.
Board members were told that they must fill out the membership applications and pay the $25 fee before they could leave. They were also asked to fill out the questionaires for board committees and items they have at home that belong to the shelter (discussed at the last board meeitng.)
Marketing events and fundraisers were discussed
The executive director reported 13 employees terminated, including 5 animal control officers, a part-time vet and a p/t vet tech. He also noted that some of them found jobs that pay better than the KCSPCA. The termination date was reported as “the 13th.”
The executive director reported 13 employees terminated, including 5 animal control officers, a part-time vet and a p/t vet tech. He also noted that some of them found jobs that pay better than the KCSPCA. The termination date was reported as “the 13th.”
This was reported last month. Since then, there have been reports from 3 separate sources that the ACOs were NOT terminated when it was announced in July, although at least one left due to the change in her work location. Since this has become material for Kevin McCarthy, who is running against Comm. Sweeney for KCLC, they may both want to research this.
It was also reported that:
1235 animals adopted out
781 animals killed
935 returned to owner
623 transferred out
781 animals killed
935 returned to owner
623 transferred out
Matters related to ongoing criminal cases were discussed.
These are the hoarding cases the KCSPCA has been working on. For obvious reasons specifics won't be posted here. No mention of a date for a Rule 11 hearing in the previous case lost by Usilton where he sued a person to retrieve a dog she adopted in good faith from the KCSPCA.
The legislative Task Force for animal control was mentioned and the executive director expressed an interest in having statute amended as well as a interest in a state wide animal control contract.
It was announced that ACOs in New Castle County were sworn in. It was also noted that this is the first time ACOs have been sworn in since DNREC gave up Dog Control.
So if these officers are not “sworn” – which we have made issue of in other correspondence – why are they treated as officers of the court and given access to DELJIS?
A mention was made of 154 dog bite cases in July.
A mention was made of 154 dog bite cases in July.
These incidents are investigated under legislative authority in Title 3 (Dept. of Ag) and a contract with the Division of Public Health (for rabies control).
Final dog control payment (erroneously referred to as 'animal control' by Alex Moore ) from Kent County received, as well as the dog licensing payment received. It was also reported that the licensing contract expires in October.
Final dog control payment (erroneously referred to as 'animal control' by Alex Moore ) from Kent County received, as well as the dog licensing payment received. It was also reported that the licensing contract expires in October.
New Business:
2013 budget - no figures provided to public present
2013 budget - no figures provided to public present
The executive director mentioned increases in adoption and donations, but decreased fundraising. The organization is looking to cut legal, accounting, and office equipment expenses. Salaries and medical treatments are highest items on budget. Payroll has decreased from $85K to $69K bi-weekly. This budget is nearly a $1M dollar reduction from 2012. The budget was approved by unanimous vote. It was also noted that this budget is based on the organization receiving the animal control contracts for NC and Sussex counties.
Again, the current contracts, as required by law, are for DOG control, not animal control.
Supporters are claiming that the KCSPCA has been subsidizing the KCLC Dog Control Contract. Sorry, but this is Accounting 101. If you lose a contract and have to fire more people than that contract allowed for, the CONTRACT is subsidizing the KCSPCA, not the other way around.